
Be There.

Be there for yourself.  Honor the commitments you make to yourself to lead a happier and healthier life.  Also, be there for others offering support and encouragement along the way.

Be Strong.

By improving our physical abilities, we can improve our inner strength.

Be Fearless.

Often, we are the ones holding ourselves back from making changes.  With support from others, we can help you overcome your fears and try new things!

Be3 is led by a group of tenacious and dedicated committee members.  This group of volunteers is on a mission to share their passion for helping others and promoting health and fitness. 

  • To join, simply fill out a membership form and pay annual dues of $35 (includes T-shirt).  Fill out form below and we will send you registration information.
  • All outdoor group workouts are free.  Indoor cycling cost $5 per class. Be3 Cycle Classes at the Park and Rec fitness studio are led by Be3 committee members on a volunteer basis.
  • What can you do in return?  Get involved!  Your enthusiastic involvement helps our organization become even stronger!  Consider donating your time or talent to help us at our events.  A little bit of help goes a long way!   

Want to Hear More?

Interested in becoming a member? Have a general question? Contact us via the form below to learn more!

Contact Us for More Information